solar plexus

Evaluating Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra: Evaluating Strengths and Weakness

This segment is excerpted from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras. In the book there is a full discussion of energy and how the human energy system functions followed by an in depth exploration of each chakra with insights, questionnaires for individual discovery, and a link to a recorded guided meditation focused on building and strengthening the energy of a particular chakra.

Following are questions to help you tune into the energetic state of your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Raising Consciousness: Solar Plexus Chakra

What kinds of life situations did you experience between the ages of 8 and 12?

How did these life experiences affect your self-image, esteem, and sense of self-worth?

Do you identify with excessive or deficient solar plexus energies?

What is gained from subservience? For example, what might the secondary gains be from remaining in a subservient role?

How do doubt and fear operate in your life?

Do you have trouble making decisions?

Is it hard to follow through? What is the fear behind this?

Is it very important for you to be right? What feelings come up when you feel you are wrong?

Do you feel weak, emotionally needy, or wanting to be the center of attention?

What do you hope to gain from attention or dependent connection?

What do you suspect keeps you from feeling/owning your personal power or worth?

Do others’ opinions control your life?

In addition to the recording for healing your solar plexus chakra, also consult the section on Balanced Chakra Characteristics for suggestions on healing this chakra and its issues.