Choosing Consciously

[singlepic id=31 w=320 h=240 float=left]Today’s Daily Om inspirational essay about conscious decisions coincides nicely with the thought I’d like to share today: taking personal responsibility for yourself leads to an empowered and authentic life. This in turn supports better physical, mental and emotional health, resulting in overall well-being and happiness. When we make conscious decisions we actively sort through our options, choosing the ones that feel right at the time. We actively choose our response vs. defaulting to decisions unconsciously. We choose what to do because it feels right vs. merely doing what we are told, even if it is not the popular or recommended approach. Acting by default is taking the easy route and doing whatever someone else says. Acting by default is a lazy approach.

Recently I met with a dermatologist. This individual made two recommendations that did not suit me. The first was to use a sunscreen that I know ranks high on the EWG’s “hazard scale” for sunscreens. The second was to use a petroleum based product with methylparaben to moisturize dry skin. When we discussed the sunscreen and alternative choices, it occurred to me that this professional was simply unaware of better choices for your skin. She was recommending products that block the sun but may also contribute to skin cancer. I wrote down the name of the second product, looked it over at the pharmacy and later researched the ingredients on my own. Although I didn’t remember why, paraben-based products were a flag in my mind. A quick Google search provided the answer: concentration of parabens, particularly methylparaben have been found in breast tumors. So here we have an educated professional recommending products that may contribute to more problems than the ones I was trying to solve. My guess is that this is a common occurrence. How often do we defer to others’ because we think they know better or they must be right (including me!)?

Rather than be angry about this professional’s lack of knowledge in this area, this experience reinforced my resolve to be personally responsible for my choices. This professional provided her best recommendation. In my opinion her recommendation fell short of being more fully informed. That part is up to me and up to each one of us.

As you go through each day, become more aware of your decisions. Pay attention to the ones that you consciously make vs. the times you just do what others say. Responding by default may seem like the easier and less overwhelming choice at the time. If it leads to you feeling disempowered or blaming others for any part of your choice then it’s really about delaying the inevitable: being responsible for your own choices, actions, thoughts and words.

The healthcare system is just one example. Each of our lives is filled with many more, particularly within our work, family and social environments. Play with these thoughts and try them out. How do they apply to your life? What changes can you make to live a more empowered and authentic life?

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One response to “Choosing Consciously”

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