Energy R Us: Actions to Consciously Shift Your Energy

Old-Ship-in-Namibia-IMG_6028_29_30_tonemappedWe all have ups and downs, good days and bad. One of the keys to living well is to live consciously by choosing where you will place your energy and your intentions. You can influence what happens to you and what you draw to yourself by tuning in to your energetic patterns. When you tune in, you will begin to recognize the patterns that bring you some of the things that you don’t want. When you recognize them, you can begin to consciously choose other options.

One way to begin to make your problem patterns conscious is to keep a journal and notice how you feel in different situations. Note where you are and what you are doing when you feel your best. Also note where you are and what you are doing when you are feeling stressed, unhappy or even depressed. Do you notice any patterns? Is it a particular time of day, a particular location, perhaps when you are with certain people? What do you feel like and what does your environment look like in each situation? Taking full responsibility for ourselves and our lives means that we will observe such situations and honestly assess how we are contributing to both the positive and negative dynamics.

It is helpful to see your outer and inner environments as a mirror each other. Such a perspective can help guide you and help develop clarity regarding unconscious patterns. Take a look at the condition of your home (and business space) and think about what it is saying about your inner self. Conversely, your environment has a big impact on how your feel it has a big impact on your personal energy system and our feelings can give us much information about this impact

It is beneficial to address both the inner and outer influences contained in your environment. For instance, if you are working to improve your health, in addition to the care and guidance you may be receiving from your doctor or practitioner, you can also cleanup, de-clutter and enhance your home and business environments. Clutter holds you in place. We all have it, in varying degrees. Letting it go, frees up energy. It physically lightens your space and energetically allows fresh energy to flow in. When energy is flowing you can then begin to direct it and draw it toward yourself with clear intentions.

As you de-clutter, think about what you really want to happen in your life. Be clear and be specific. Write down your wishes (your intentions) on a piece of paper or in a journal. Writing is a very powerful process. Write your words in the present tense, just as if they are happening in your life today. Also write your wishes using positive words. One intention for good health might be: “I am so grateful that I easily and effortlessly maintain my perfect weight.” Write about the result of what you want.

Thirdly, get ready to receive what you are asking for. This is more difficult than it seems because many of us sabotage ourselves everyday. You might think about what you want but then you may doubt that it will really happen. Or, you might think that you are not good enough. “It will happen to someone else”, but not to you. Such thoughts energetically keep your wishes away! You really need to believe in yourself, in order to shift your energy. If this is a pattern you recognize in yourself, try to let these thoughts go as they come up and get to thinking about what you do want and why you want it.


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