
What Do Energy Fields Reveal About Your Soul?

Energy fields contain information about our basic natures as well as life experiences. We each have our own energetic imprint. In some ways this could be thought of as a “soul-print”.
Our energy fields show both our strengths and our weaknesses. It seems that our energy is designed both as the means to best express ourselves and to develop particular qualities or strengths. That is to say, our unique energy pattern (aura) equips us to exist in the proper environment to grow, develop and demonstrate our special gifts.

Energy Fields: Observations

I have had a lot of nurses and massage therapists in my workshops. Their auras as seen on the Aura Imaging Biofeedback show some interesting relationships between their auras and their chosen work. Their energy fields also hinted at their personal and professional challenges.

The nurses who worked in administrative or leadership roles showed a marked  emphasis on energy frequencies of the first three chakras. This is understandable as a strong root chakra (red) gives leadership ability, the sacral chakra (orange) provides a capacity to feel entitled to take charge and the solar plexus offers courage and personal power.

The nurses who preferred to be with patients in direct one on one care had an emphasis on the upper chakras (heart/green, throat/blue and brow/indigo). These frequencies offer easy access to empathy, communication and an intuitive capacity and awareness to attend to emotional or spiritual needs.

Massage therapist also show this interesting pattern of focus on either the first three chakras or on the upper centers. The former are attracted to and passionate about body work. They love to learn about the methods that will physically help their clients. The latter are more interested in the energy and psychology of their clients. They love to learn about how those are reflected in what is going on with their clients’ bodies.

If someone who is more attuned to energy and the psyche forced themselves into an administrative position they probably would be unhappy (and exhausted)…and vice versa. Our energy fields seem to prepare us for areas where we would function optimally. AND within these areas there are lessons for to learn.
To continuing with the example of the nurses and massage therapists: one group would benefit from learning to balance themselves through developing empathy, insight and intuition; the other group could benefit from limit and boundary setting. Both groups benefit from exploring what are the best types of self care for them. All our fields need replenishment and care, but there is no one size fits all approach. Each field has its own unique needs.

Energy Fields: Qualities

Some people have very strong, mentally focused energy fields and find it very easy to move from one state to another using their power of mind and choice. Being in touch with emotions is a challenge. In the extreme it can seem like a foreign country where they struggle with the language and customs!
Others have a very emotionally attuned field and will find it difficult to use their minds to shift a difficult mood, feelings or their place in a relationship. They require tools that allow for processing of their emotions and letting go energetically before they are able to move on.

Some folks have very set fields which make them less influenced by environments, weather, others’ moods, or energetic,verbal or emotional assaults. This is good if you are in a life stage or situation where you need to be focused, goal oriented and not terribly concerned with others opinion or feelings. However it can make it hard to cooperate, have compassion or communicate in a balanced way with others.

Others have what is called a peripatetic field which is great for empathy, healing, counseling, intuition and teaching. The down side of this type of field is that it can mean a great deal of vulnerability to overwhelm, other peoples moods, thoughts etc. until one learns to work with it. Once there is is consciousness management of this type of field, these folks can move up and down the spectrum and play all the notes on the scale.

Energy Fields: Learning Resources

Of course most of us are a mix and not pure types but we do have a certain propensity in how our energy is patterned according to our default pattern. It takes awareness, self observation, insight and honesty to really know what is up with our energy and then to manage it. 

You can learn more about your personal energy field by:
Taking the Chakra Assessment (see the link at the right hand corner at the top of any page on this site)
Booking an appointment to have a session where you see your field in real time via aura imaging biofeedback
Reading Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras. This book contains a through description of each of the chakras and their role in our life, health and relationship. At the end of each section there is a link to a recording for a guided meditation to help you integrate the information/vibration of a particular chakra.  

Being familiar with the quality of your field, in addition to the condition of your individual energy centers and what they represent helps you to be able to identify the best methods to make energy work for you!