A simple visual is a helpful way to understand how our energy and life issues interact to create the speed bumps and obstacles on our journey through life.
Imagine a beam of pure light filled with all the energy of pure joy, power, bliss and love coming into a container that is too small to embody all of it, but it is capable of letting the energy flow through it. This container has bends, twists and turns in its makeup. These “imperfections” cause the light to be refracted off in many directions. Whether the container originally had these imperfections or sustained them as a result of “experience” does not matter as the resolution of a free flow and balanced energy is our goal for peace and well being..
Our bodies are container for universal energy. As spiritual beings we are large, diffuse and then we come into a human form that is limited by nature to begin with and we are also impacted by the experiences we encounter here in this earthly realm.
Expanding into our larger spiritual nature necessitates a variety of challenges, reprogramming and opening of consciousness. As we release our old programming, heal past wounds and trauma, we make more space for our to shine. Through our inner work we become an open conduit for the light of higher consciousness to flow through which results in being in touch with higher qualities and abilities.
Energy has consciousness. Working with one affects the other. Awareness and a map to navigate are helpful. Fortunately we have that map in the chakra system.
As our energy is dispersed throughout our systems there are seven mini brains, centers that form pools of energy. These areas govern not just physical traits and abilities, but also our psychological and spiritual capabilities. The clarity, quality and resonant frequency of the energy in any particular center determines our outer life through our participation.
Proper alignment and attunement of the energies of body, mind and spirit helps to provide us with a clear and present awareness. This awareness allows us to know what is good for ourselves, as well as to attract those things that assist us to be happy and healthy.
We can become more conscious of what robs us of your natural healthy state and eliminate the sources of our struggles. Energetic healing and management takes us beyond learning just another technique or intellectual understanding. Such approaches take us to the roots of our reactions and difficulties so we can change them permanently.
Energy management is about learning to listen to our body and mind in a new way that helps us to create health and happiness from the inside out! It is also about bringing balance to our lives, fulfilling a basic need for purpose and meaning, as well as opening to the wisdom available to each of us.
Educating ourselves about how to work with energy can also aid in riding the waves of life more gracefully. We have an innate capacity for joy, pleasure, harmony and a balanced spiritual toughness that goes largely untapped. These inner capabilities can also help us to find pleasure in everyday life.
As a culture we are grappling with yearning for deeper connections within ourselves, with each other, and the world around us. Through learning to quiet our minds, navigate the mind-body system, and work with our energies we can accomplish these tasks.
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