Being able to sense and experience our energetic nature helps us to be more directly in touch with our authentic self and provides an effective way to live from a broader perspective. It also provides the means to blend and balance our spiritual and human natures.
Knowing we are spiritual beings is important certainly. Truly experiencing that reality while in a human form can be challenging at best and perhaps fairly impossible if we try to do it with only our cognitive minds. Expanding into our energetic awareness and using it to blend our dual natures allows us to live in a very different world than that experienced by our ego-self or “lower mind”.
It takes new skills, practice and being aware of what blocks us from living fully from that perspective. To start, we need to know how our life experiences have affected us. Knowledge is a first step toward growth, expansion, and healing.
Our personal history has helped shape our energy and ways of being in the world. If we are to move beyond our stories then it is helpful to understand the patterns we have formed and have effective ways to release the negative effects. Working with our energy goes to where the deepest core of our issues lies and helps to release them from where they are imbedded. This is part of the process of our growth in consciousness. It is much like cleaning out a closet and making space for something new to be had.
An Example
We have all experienced grief, large and small, at some point in our lives. Intellectually we may know this had an effect on us. We may be able to describe what happened, why it was important, maybe we are even aware of some unfinished business with it and how it is currently impacting our life. But, if we do not have the means to erase the effects from our mind/body/energy system and install new feelings and behaviors, then we may continue to be affected by the unresolved grief… consciously or unconsciously.
In order to live from more of our authentic self we need to experience emotions appropriate to an event, allow them proper expression and release them from our system. Then all our energy becomes available to us to live in the present and channel towards the goals we wish to see become reality!
An energetic perspective
Another way to view this is to imagine a beam of pure light filled with the qualities of pure joy, authentic power, bliss and love coming into a container (our body) that is too small to embody all of it, but it is capable of letting the energy flow through it. This container has bends, twists and turns in its makeup that occurred in its manufacturing process (life experience). These €˜imperfections’ cause the light to be refracted off in many directions. The container may be buffeted about by its environment and this also has an effect on how the light is dispersed.
We are that container. If we could release our old programming, go beyond the effects of experience, genetics and environment and be an open conduit to just let the light flow, then we would be in touch with all those wonderful qualities. Energy is that light. We can open ourselves to this flow. Science is showing us that all this is possible from a cellular level, but first we must have a map and be aware methods to navigate the terrain.
A map for navigation
As energy is dispersed throughout our systems it travels through seven centers (chakras/pools of energy). These energy centers regulate not just physical traits and abilities, but also our psychological and spiritual life. The clarity, quality and resonant frequency of this energy in any particular center determines our outer life through our participation.
Proper alignment and attunement of the energies of body, mind and spirit provides us with a clear and present awareness. This awareness allows us to know what is good for ourselves, as well as to attract those things that assist us to be happy and healthy.
We can become more conscious of what robs us of our natural healthy state and eliminate the sources of our struggles. Instead of learning just another technique, we can learn to live from a new center or perspective. As we do so, we grow in freedom and REALLY move beyond our past.
Energy work is about learning to listen to our body and mind in a new way that helps us to create health and happiness from the inside out! It is also about bringing balance to our lives, fulfilling a basic need for purpose and meaning, as well as opening to the wisdom available to each of us. Educating ourselves about how to work with energy also helps us to ride the waves of life more gracefully.
We have an innate capacity for joy, pleasure, harmony and a balanced spiritual toughness that goes largely untapped. These inner capabilities can help us to find pleasure in everyday life.
As a culture we are grappling with yearning for deeper connections within ourselves, with each other, and the world around us. Through learning to quiet our minds, navigate the mind-body system, and work with our energies we can accomplish these tasks.
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