This is a great commentary on our times, what they mean and how we can begin to shift toward a more sustainable future. The concept of emergence is an important one for the era we are in when the challenges are huge and varied AND the old ways of approaching life are not working. Dr. Lipton explains the concept well. Using a process that allows for emergence on an individual or global level can seem magical at times but it does requires patience, the ability to tolerate not knowing for a time, and trust, as well as a method that opens up and connects us to higher ways of knowing and creativity. Such an approach is very helpful , comforting and life enhancing especially when faced with confusion, doubt and lack of clarity. In my work with individuals and groups I have seen amazing things occur when engaging such a process. Having our backs to the wall has a tendency to open us to new ways of being…often ones that were not anticipated but in the end they turn out to be gratifying and so much more than we could have imagined. I suspect that the Occupy Movement is the beginning of something new trying to emerge that contributes to a new foundation in and for the global community…every journey begins with one step.
Note: We have no connection to nor do we receive any financial re-numeration for Dr. Lipton’s books. We simply admire his work and think he has a wonderful way of conceptualizing who we are, where we could be headed and the process of cooperation needed to get there.
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