Two great scientific resources re: emotion, personal and global energies.
Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social, and Global Health
Rollin McCraty, Ph.d., Doc Childre
Biofeedback 2002;30(1):23-25.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, A Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2010; 16 (4):10-24.
Of the many new scientific perspectives that emerged from the 20th century, one of the most profound is that the universe is wholly and enduringly interconnected and coherent.1-3 Complex living systems, including human beings, are composed of numerous dynamic, interconnected networks of biological structures and processes. Coherence implies order, structure, harmony, and alignment within and amongst systems€â€whether in atoms, organisms, social groups, planets, or galaxies. Thus, every whole has a relationship with and is a part of a greater whole, which is again part of something greater. In this context, nothing can be considered as separate, alone, or lacking relationships. One of the more surprising findings that has emerged from physics is quantum coherence, which has given rise to the prediction of nonlocality and instantaneous communication between subatomic particles separated by vast distances.1
Continue reading here: http://bit.ly/Jlcls5
Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment
“Each individual’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit energetic fields. These individual field environments not only affect you, your health and perspective on life, they also can influence your relationships and experiences in your social field environments as you interact with people, or even if you are merely in the same room with other people. Can we change our individual, social, and even planetary environments and create the one in which we choose to live?
Continue to full article here: http://bit.ly/HTV6ZP
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