We all have programmed into our systems ways of being, thinking, and feeling that are helpful, useful and protective. We also have thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are false, dysfunctional and some that are downright harmful! Unfortunately, the people who influence and help us form our beliefs do not always provide accurate information, as they have their own issues.
In addition, the mechanism that records our perceptions and experiences does not monitor for accuracy, dependability or reliability! So we arrive in adulthood living our lives based on a lot of uninspected information that is not necessarily in our best interest.
Much of this material is held in the unconscious, as we discussed earlier. No matter what scientists find out in the future about the exact nature of how beliefs come to be imprinted within us, what we know today is that they are deeply ingrained €¦ energetically, neurologically, biochemically, and hormonally €¦ they literally exist in our very cells.
Beliefs are internally held in a blend of memory, thought, feeling and response that tends to become the basis of habitual reactions to external triggers. The link between these various elements needs to be broken so that the mind can and will accept a positive suggestion, a new idea.
Spontaneous “aha!” moments seem to break apart this link, but we can also create these “ahas” rather than waiting for them to occur€¦think empowerment! Bringing our free will, initiative, desire and commitment to our growth also helps to ensure that an “aha!” does not remain an isolated event with no real change occurring.
The movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” has an excellent section on neural nets and graphically shows this process €¦ a great visual to motivate all of us! We encourage you to watch this movie, as it offers much to help understand personal and universal energy as well as how our preconditioning affects our lives.
It is critical to realize that our beliefs and their attendant physiology do not limit their influence to our inner world. Bruce Lipton, the cell biologist we just mentioned, states, “Our thoughts are not contained within our head. They radiate out into the environment. A negative thought does not resonate with a positive action. Thought activates resonant structures in your environment and will bring things to you €¦ We are not helpless but we are responsible.” This is a good perspective to keep in mind.
So it does matter what we think and feel and believe! Rather than feel overwhelmed by this idea, shift to a realization of how much power and freedom this actually gives you!
All of us had our identities influenced by the people and events of our early lives. If the messages you received were life enhancing, supportive and encouraging, then you were given fertile soil for your Self to grow and develop. If the sources of your messages had their own unresolved issues and problems that tainted how they were able to interface with you, then your “soil” probably lacked what you needed for the full expression and growth of your emerging self.
Our identities are strongly affected by how we were mirrored. Most families have challenges of one sort or another, which seems to be part of the human condition. That being the case, most of us arrive in adulthood with the task of re-parenting some parts of ourselves. We need to consciously decide what to toss, what to keep and what new “ways of being” we want to develop that are totally ours.
This is the type of journey we must embark upon when we seek to expand our awareness and grow in consciousness. Without knowledge of our issues and healing of our bruises and wounds, we may open ourselves to a bumpy ride when we open to higher energies. We may meet with a lot of fear and frustration, not to mention dashed hopes. Through clearing our old notions and releasing negativity in whatever form we find it, we pave our own way for a smoother journey toward our eventual freedom, peace, ease and richer life.
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