There is a flow of energy or consciousness, a way of BEING that we all have experienced from time to time— a state where everything flows together and feels in sync. We move easily from one moment to the next with a sense of meaning and purpose. We feel peace, joy, a sense of well being. This state has been called flow, living from center or simply– BLISS. It feels magical when we find it.
Our personal energy system holds the keys to enter into this state of flow as well as to access our inner wisdom and truth. Contact with these deeper aspects of ourselves provides inner peace, freedom of expression, and facilitates health on all levels.
Each of us can learn to manage our energy to generate greater health, peace, joy, meaning and purpose in our lives. Developing this ability helps eliminate much of the conflict, turmoil, feelings of emptiness and instability that create unnecessary difficulty on our journey. Through this broader consciousness we also develop greater resources of serenity and balance to deal with that which cannot be altered.
Meditation is one of the tools that helps us tap into the vast source of energy and limitless power that is available to all.
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