inner peace and balance

Cultivating Inner Peace and Balance in the New Year


Inner peace, a capacity to restore and maintain balance and be in contact with deeper currents of joy and well-being are all a part of self mastery.

A major goal of mine for the New Year is to generate greater inner peace regardless of what is occurring around and without! Over the years I have found that meditation practice and working with energy have allowed me to more effectively deal with stress, develop resiliency and find streams of ease and peace inside  that served me well in difficult times. Now I wish to enlarge that experience!

I believe I have mentioned here before that I do not know how I would have made it through 14 years of caring for aging, sick and dying parents without the tools and approaches that I fortunately had as a result of personal and professional interests in mind-body-spirit approaches. They did not make everything perfect but they did help me keep my sanity and contributed a great deal to my inner healing and depth of spiritual awareness.A requirement for having more inner peace is the ability to deal positively with strong emotion and develop self acceptance (love).

Self mastery includes the ability to remain balanced even when challenged by circumstances. Sometimes our balance is only experienced as we swing through the middle on our way to an outer edge! But with the proper tools we return to center more quickly and easily than we would otherwise.

Inner peace and balance: results from coherent balanced energy flow
I have found that working with my subtle energy provided me with more options for creating inner peace and balance. By knowing how to flow energy through my system I have been able to smooth out some of the rough emotional edges that cause me to feel distress. In addition I have discovered that working energetic frequencies helps to open up higher level awareness bringing clarity to tough issues and conflicts.

As we shift our consciousness through our subtle energy fields (awareness), we open to new ideas, ways of being and operating in our lives. This enables us to access healing and growth that may not have been accessible to us through other means.

When our energy is balanced, flowing and coherent we can find more patience, express greater compassion and have a positive state of mind regardless of all that is going on around us. When we are in a positive energetic state those around us are positively affected. To the extent that each of us practices uplifting ourselves, we uplift those around us.  When we model patience, we diffuse tense situations and others calm down around us. When we truly listen with our heart and express deep compassion for others’ experiences, we teach compassion.

It may feel during these challenging times that it is too difficult to move in a  positive direction. I may also feel like too much or too little effort to do our inner work. However if we are to live in a better world that sustains all then it is all hands on deck time. It begins with each of us doing what we can where we can to the extent that we can.

Does it not feel like a healthier, more joyful experience to hold positive images, hope, and dreams that will help our world survive and thrive rather than those that will collapse us through anger, hatred, and powerlessness? We grow through expansion. We die through contraction. We can each work consciously every day in our corner of the world to help build a world community we all thrive in.  Just think, if everyone spreads a little more joy every day, how quickly it could become the norm!


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