subtle energy

Boosting Creativity

When we had our radio show we interviewed Haya Leah Molnar, author of Under a Red Sky. In her book she speaks about her early childhood experiences in a communist country, and about how early life experience helps to shape one’s connection to innate creative abilities.

As Ms. Molnar’s story unfolds it is clear that her family experience was one that supported her creative development in spite of the difficult circumstances in the broader environment. The love, acceptance and support of her family, as well as their own deep connection to their own creativity, bathed her in a web of energy that encouraged the unfolding of her gifts.

Each of us is innately creative
Others may not have been so fortunate as to have the kind of openness, care and nurture of their creative spirit as Haya Molnar. However that does not mean that creativity is lost to them. Each of us has an innate creative capacity. We may not think of our particular abilities as being creative if they do not follow the traditional expressions of art forms. Nevertheless we do possess this capacity. For many the flow of that energy may have been shut off or constricted due to family messages, neglect or simple lack of awareness.

The good news is that we can all recover, reconnect and enliven the creative flow within us. Working directly with our energy system provides us with the means to do just that. First, we must understand that energy system and have the methods to be able to heal any damage, strengthen our connection with our inner flow and learn how to effectively direct that flow of energy.

Disruptions of energy lead to breakdown in life function and experience
This brief excerpt from our recording Chakras and Feng Shui: Balancing Inner and Outer Energy helps to explain how disruptions in our energy field result in a breakdown in our life function and experience.

The seven major chakras each contribute a layer of energy to what is commonly known as the human aura. Each of the chakras is responsible for a particular physical, psychological, and spiritual aspect of our functioning. They also seem to operate as encoding or storage devices for our life history.

When any one energy center is disrupted or damaged, that aspect of the field’s frequency is affected resulting in a disturbance of energy. These disturbances can be transmitted to other layers of the field, causing them to malfunction as well. Disruptions cause the equivalent of leaks, improper flow, and obstruction of energy in what should be a free flowing system. The result is that the energy field weakens and fatigue sets in. Over time, this weakening can cause mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical dysfunction. These distortions in the field prevent us from radiating our potential fully and completely. They prevent an experience of ourselves as whole and healthy, and compromise our capacity to relate positively to others.

To learn more about Chakras and Feng Shui click here: