
Creative Change: Practices for Releasing the Stress of Change

Creative Change: Releasing, Focusing and Attention
We can begin the process of creative change by identifying and releasing that which no longer serves us (or never really did!).  Focusing on what we would like to embody helps to withdraw our attention and focus on those things that we wish to be free from: judgments, negative self-talk, negative self-images, intolerance …anything that causes stress and contraction of energy in body, mind and spirit.

Contraction in our energy bodies limits the amount of vitality available to us for not only change but also for living life in general!

So engaging practices that cultivate more of what we desire  provides us with life enhancing energy and enough life force to channel toward creative change. Here are three things can can help set the stage for creative change:
1. A focus on positive qualities like integrity, goodness, patience, honesty, surrender, acceptance, or humility can be potent sources of strong energy. Focus n difficult or negative emotions weakens our fields.

2. Reach out to others who can nurture, support and add positively to your process of creative change.

3. Open to intuition, higher guidance, and inner knowing to add wisdom to your journey.

4.Interactive Guided Imagery or inner child work are very effective to open and release the fundamental roots of stress creating inner space that is free and clear for facilitating a more creative flow within.

Creative Change, Acceptance and Letting Go
The beginning of the process of creative change involves stress! The stress may be imposed from outside or it may come about as we try to solve a problem or resolve a situation. This stress may be natural and even useful in the beginning, but if left unaddressed it can build and become detrimental to not only creative change but also to health and well-being.
We can learn to set the stage for letting go through some fairly simple steps. The steps are simple however the changes that occur in the brain and throughout the body involve complex biochemistry and are powerful building blocks for the foundation of successful creative change. These changes not only support letting go and acceptance, they also improve health, enhance mood, open the door to creativity, increased learning, out of the box’ thinking and boost productivity.

We can eliminate the unhealthy effects of stress by taking brief breaks and engaging in activities that help release tension and trigger beneficial biochemistry. It is also key for dealing with stress to have a meditation/deep relaxation practice that releases the inner build up of the biological by-products of stress as well as build resiliency. These practices also add benefit through opening up higher levels of knowing that can lead to innovative solutions.

What Types of Activities Foster Creative Change?
Activities that take us you completely away from our habitual and familiar thoughts, feelings and ways of reacting is essential. It can be helpful to consciously be aware of all the information and facts etc. regarding our stress, but it is also helpful to set the stage for another level of wisdom to enter. This is done by shifting our state (level) of mind and not continuing to actively resist or fight with the cause of stress.

Repetitive activities that help to quiet the mind and body are the key. Meditation, yoga, prayer, knitting, singing, housework, gardening, contemplating nature, conscious breathing, walking, biking or hiking are all helpful. The important component is that these are changes that break the existing pattern  and focus attention elsewhere. A balance of inner practice such as meditation along with outer activities that refresh our minds is optimal. Play is not inner work and inner work is not play….they both afford different benefits and contribute.

Results of Engaging Inner Practices for Creative Change
What happens when we integrate inner practices such as meditation, deep relaxation and contemplation is that a series of intricate shifts within your biochemistry and neurology that sets the stage for an “AHA Experience”… the resolution of our problem. The next step is a return to normal life with a heightened sense of well-being.

At first we may not feel like much is happening but with practice inner pathways become strengthened and the groundwork is being laid down for new abilities to develop and emerge. Spiritual energy and great creative forces surround us at all times, but we must do our part to become receptive partners in what is a co-creative dance.

The fundamental creative power of the universe is unrestricted and available to all of us. We must have a way of connecting, aligning with it for it to benefit us. When we have a process to let go of the old and welcome the new a creative flow can move us gracefully beyond stress and into a whole new way of being that is enlivening and life enhancing.
