energy filed

Consciousness, Energy and Higher Mind

Higher consciousness is a field of awareness or energy from which our bodies, egos, and personalities arise. This Self is a more expansive consciousness than that of the ego. We are cut off from the full embodiment of this greater awareness by childhood hurts, trauma, mistaken beliefs, and cultural conditioning. This results in our living from the more limited perspective of the ego. We connect with this facet of ourselves through subtle sensing and feeling.

The truth is that we are spiritual beings of incredible potential and power. By moving beyond identifying with pain, healing past wounds, and clearing mistaken beliefs, we become conscious creators of our world. We cannot reach higher awareness from within the confines of ego. Detaching from the limited perspective of ego allows acceptance of true power.

Be willing to move beyond group mind:

  • Identify and learn to inhabit a new sense of self.
  • Allow your energy to transform to higher levels of consciousness.
  • Live from higher self to move beyond past limits and normal ego awareness.

Consciousness and Energy

Quantum physics says that the movement of energy is random until it is observed. Notice the type of energy you send out and receive back from your environment. Your thoughts, powered by emotion, organize energy. Fear is a powerful organizer, as it is easily triggered and can take over your thoughts in no time. It behooves you to work with mind mastery to control this natural process.

  • Choose love: it is stronger than fear.
  • Choose to feel love, strength, and happiness as often as possible.
  • Choose love until it becomes your primary experience and your new reality.
  • Choose to face any negativity or fear without resistance – this collapses old patterns.

Excerpted from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras

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