Belief, Concentration, Focus and Desire
Belief, concentration, focus and desire are the basics of Conscious Creation. Wrap them in any package you want. You get to choose based one what feels right to you.
Beliefs underlie all of our behavior. The more conscious they are the more we can channel positive energy into our lives. Beliefs are not necessarily right or wrong, but there are some that are more useful and effective for living and creating.
A philosophy or belief system has to be able to be of service to you all of you: body, mind and spirit.
Two questions to keep foremost in your mind re: a belief:
- Does it work for you?
- Does it feel like Truth in the deepest place in your heart?
Our opinion is that we are here to become conscious creators and need to learn the laws of the universe and how to use them in a heart centered way for the benefit of all. There are individual paths that we each take in that journey. We are always learning so we can improve our power and skill. Negative experiences are best viewed as contrast and feedback regarding what we need to master next!
There are universal laws that define how things work –not laws that we must obey but principles that we need to embrace, embody and put into action. We have been speaking about these principles throughout this 12 Keys series.
We each have strengths, areas where we do not need much development, and weaknesses, where we are not as adept. When we think about the concept of purpose, it is easy to fall into inner struggle and try very hard to figure out where we should be and what we should be doing. Instead, understanding our personal purpose requires that we be still, go within and sense the feeling of things so we can know our truth and the best way to express ourselves in the world.
Personal purpose is not so much about assuming a specific role or being in a particular place. It is more about a state of being –about developing soul qualities to bring to the world through following a path that best suits you.
Being open to releasing the obstacles that block your ability to express your own clear strong soul tone your true Self is a major step forward. Use the tools we have presented in this series to do just that! Skipping over this step will only impede progress toward the creation of the life you want to live. We must practice the techniques in order to embody our best selves/authentic selves/essential nature, not just absorb theory.
Excerpt from 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery, Session 12- 12-6
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