The throat chakra as the others can have an imbalance with too much or too little energy. Physically trouble with the neck, ears, shoulders, thyroid, or parathyroid can occur. The information that follows gives a clearer picture of what happens when this chakra is not well developed or balanced.
Psychological Sphere of Influence
Communication, self-expression, harmony with others
Creativity; Sound; Hearing; Personal space- ability to say no
Awareness of both subtle & material world; Ability to transcend fear
Transmutes lower emotions to unconditional joy
Having no power of choice
Being out of control
Divine Will
Self knowledge
Personal authority
Common Signs of Malfunction
Inability to express or release; Blocked creativity
Sore throats; Stiff shoulders; Tight neck
Excessive Energy
Talking as defense- way to stay in control
Lots of speaking with little content
Deficient Energy
Voice weak, pinched, rhythmically erratic
Extreme self consciousness; Need to hide
Fear of humiliation
“Forgets” to communicate(E.G. thinks of what to say later, thinks it but doesn’t say it)
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