Change, Vibration and Letting Go

I found this blog post by Karen Murphy that speaks to some of the challenges many are feeling with the pace and change of life. There is also a nice exercise to help develop capacity to let go of whatever is causing you discomfort.

The Earth’s vibration rate is changing and is increasing overall. This also can lead to feelings of disorientation, of spinning out of control in one’s life, especially if control is an issue for you to begin with. It is a common issue and so it is likely that many people are affected by this sense that the world is moving faster than they are prepared for.

The simplest thing to do, from our perspective, is to let go and release any expectations about what comes next or even of having a feeling of “being okay.” But that is from our perspective and doesn’t necessarily speak to the challenges of life in a physical body, where safety is not always a given.

What do we mean when we say, “let go and release”? There are connotations with those words that can lead one to conclude that letting go is a painful and arduous process. Letting go and releasing simply means detaching from expectation. Allowing for ALL possibilities, even when you can only see one or two.

Letting go exercise

Here is a simple exercise designed to assist you with feeling more comfortable in letting go.

Close your eyes. You can do this in any position, even seated at a desk. Focus your attention on the tip of your nose. For the next moment or two, the tip of your nose is the only thing that exists. There is nothing else. If any other thoughts come in, set them aside for the moment and refocus again on your nose. Just the tip of your nose. There is nothing else in the universe, just the tip of your nose. There is an entire world populated on the tip of your nose. You can imagine this. An entire world, resting there on the tip of your nose. Ives are lived, loves are loved, wars are fought, babies are born, just there on the tip of your nose. Nothing else exists but this space.

Breathe that in for a moment. Just the tip of your nose. Nothing else exists.

Now, slowly, bring your awareness to a larger area. The whole of your nose. Your mouth. Your eyes. Your face. There is still a world balanced on the tip of your nose but now that universe expands. Expand it now once again, this time on a macro level. Planets, Stars. Galaxies. And still, the tip of your nose. See how they coexist? The micro and the macro.

All possibilities exist in this moment.

Vibrational changes also occur on a very physical level. Not only is time speeding up a bit, but there is also a sense of urgency for many people about getting themselves in a better space personally. You will notice an emphasis on personal growth, even more than before. An additional emphasis is placed, for many people, on consciously being aware of AND DOING their unique life purpose.

Being a part of these changes doesn’t have to mean making any overt change within yourself or doing any particular action, but for many these types of changes become paramount. You may find yourself wishing to completely change your lifestyle now and the company that you keep. People who were friends or were in close relationship in the past may seem less satisfying to you now. This has a lot to do with vibration €“ not everyone processes vibrational changes at the same rate. Not everyone even responds to overall vibrational change in the same way. If you find yourself moving away from people, there is likely good reason to do so. It is not that they are detrimental to you, simply that they are not serving the same purpose for you. Look for new groups that support the things you feel are important.”