Change Management: 3 Steps for Success Using Energy and Consciousness

Successful change management using subtle energy requires three components of focus:

  • An ample supply of energy
  • Balanced and unobstructed flow of energy
  • Coherence…smooth, even and ordered energy

Successful Change Management Requires a Healthy Amount of Energy

Step 1: Generate An Ample Supply of Energy
Common sense healthy practices help to build a healthy supply of energy. These include: adequate sleep, a proper diet and regular exercise.  Next is focusing on what needs to occur for a positive mental and emotional outlook. Attention needs to be on actually clearing your obstacles rather than pasting over issue with a happy face (Spiritual bypassing).  Clearing inner blocks and patterns of resistance is essential for an ample supply of energy so you can tap into the field of success.

Step 2.  Develop Balance and Flow for Change Management with Ease
Working with your beliefs, eliminating old nonproductive patterns and embracing new and more effective ones helps to create balance and flow within your energy system. Also, learning and engaging energy techniques that align your subtle energy system help to develop balance and flow enhance your effectiveness.

Step 3.  Create Coherence for Enhanced Change Management
Coherence results from being heart centered, having a reasonably consistent attitude of gratitude and appreciation. Each of these activities is important to build, strengthen, and focus your energy so it is both more available and more effective in helping you reach your goals. These methods also are how we bring more of our spiritual essence into human form. Techniques to help develop this quality of coherence are especially powerful to help you tap the field of success.


Each of these areas is important to build, strengthen and focus your energy so it is both more available and more effective helping you reach your goals. Learning the skills of energy management is like learning a new language. There is some effort involved but once you grasp the basic concepts it opens up a whole new world, giving you more options to creating and living a life of purpose, pleasure, health and harmony.