Chakras Unplugged Workshop April 2, 2016 in Wilton, NH

Chakras Unplugged:

Self Care From the Inside Out

Saturday April 2nd, 1-4pm

Cost: $45.00

Living from an energetic perspective is a process and a goal…at best it is a feeling of seamless flow, a sense of being centered in your heart, deeply in touch with soul qualities of beauty, peace and wholeness.

Consciously managing your personal energy allows you to:

  • Quiet average thinking mind; connect with higher guidance and intuition

  • Release fear and develop authentic greater security and stability

  • Detach from the vibrations of lower thought and feeling

  • Develop true self- care and self-worth

  • Cultivate stress-less being

  • Open your heart and trust

  • Let go of guilt and shame

  • Open to your inner power

When energy is abundant, free flowing and coherent there is ease, optimal wellbeing and an easy ability to express your true nature…your authentic Self.


  • The role of Chakras in programing your life and well-being
  • Signs of balance and imbalance of energy
  • How to develop clarity and balance with ease


  • Ground and center energy for greater clarity, concentration and well being
  • Use sound, color and imagery to heal and rebalance the chakra system
  • Develop heart coherence for optimal health, intuition and soul-full living

Each participant will receive a Chakra Assessment Questionnaire and Workbook to personalize the workshop information. In addition, Aura Imaging Biofeedback will be used in this workshop providing participants with a real time view of their aura, its current state and the effects of various triggers upon it. Through this dynamic, in the moment viewing, one receives information regarding the strength and flow of the system, where problem patterns or blocks may lie and what the best technique for shifting the issue is for that particular person. (Participation with the biofeedback is entirely voluntary).