Chakra Health

Chakra Health, Stress and Well-Being

Chakra Health is Related to Mental, Emotional and Physical Function
A foundation of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology as well as of the ancient health traditions of the East is the concept that the strength, flow and frequencies of your energy system influence your mental, emotional and physical states with chronic negative patterns resulting in more serious conditions if left uncorrected.

In Energy Psychology, emotional imbalance is viewed as a disruption in the flow of energy through the chakras and meridians. Similarly, in Energy Medicine, physical pain is thought to be caused by this disruption. Both disciplines relieve pain and restore health by treating the energy system.

Chakra Health and Human Anatomy
Chakras influence our health through the nervous and endocrine systems.
In her book, Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine, Dr. Candace Pert describes the chakras as “minibrains”: nodal points of electrical and chemical activity that receive process and distribute information from and to the rest of your “bodymind.”
These minibrains reside in the midline of your body, where there is also an endocrine gland and a major nerve plexus. The seven endocrine glands are fed by their associated chakras. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream, where they are carried to the organs and tissues in your body. The seven nerve plexuses, which are also located along your spinal cord, are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. They are also dense with neuropeptides.

Chakra Health, Neuropeptides and Emotion
Neuropeptides have been dubbed the “molecules of emotion” as they are the chemistry associated with our emotions. They do not rely on transmission through the nervous system. If you are experiencing happiness, for example, you will find neuropeptides associated with happiness in your body; if you are sad, there will be “sad” neuropeptides in your body, and so forth.

Each of the seven areas mentioned above present us with a model of the bodymind. Endocrine glands represents the body; the neuropeptides the emotions; the nerve plexus correlates with the mind; the subtle energy of the chakra correlates with spirit.
If a chakra is damaged it may cause disruption in the function of its associated endocrine gland. And, because the activity of the endocrine glands and nerve plexuses is interrelated and interdependent, if an endocrine gland isn’t functioning properly, it may affect the entire bodymind.

Understanding Chakra Health Promotes an Integrated Approach
The more we understand the flow of subtle energy, the more we see how our thoughts, emotions, spirit and physical body are interrelated. The activity of any one aspect ultimately affects each of the others. Your thoughts influence your emotions. Your thoughts and emotions influence your spirit. Your thoughts, emotions and spirit energy are reflected in the health of your physical body. An imbalance in your body can drag you down depressing your spirit, emotions and leading to negative thoughts. It is a two way street and can well turn into a never ending feedback loop of increasing negativity unless there is intervention to shift the process.

No matter what level of disruption in the energy system, energy work is always helpful. Obviously the deeper the problem the more different types of intervention may be advisable or required to bring about healing.

In any case, as we view our energetic anatomy and the clear model of mind-body-spirit that it provides it becomes even more obvious that we need to address ourselves, our lives and our health with a comprehensive approach that treats us as a Whole Being!

If you are interested in learning how to improve the energy of your chakras and your life, these two recordings guide you through methods that clear, strengthen and balance your energy:

Chakra Guided Meditation   

   chakra health  

Balancing Your chakras Energy Fields

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