core issues

How Can Our Energy Systems Help to Cope with Personal and Societal Change ?

Change Triggers Core Issues
Change inevitably triggers our core issues. Since the energetic signature of these issues live in our energy field, awareness of how our energy is reacting goes a long way to helping us rebalance and strengthen our energy to meet challenges.

The following chart helps expand awareness of where your core issues may be unbalancing your field.

Chakra Archetype Issue
Root Mother/Victim Survival Self Care
Sacral Emperor-Empress/Martyr Emotion Entitlement
Solar Plexus Warrior/Servant Personal Power
Self Worth
Heart Lover/Actor Love Compassion
Throat Communicator/Lost Child Communication
Power of Choice
Brow Intuitive/Intellectual Intuition
Ability to Envision
Crown Spiritual Master/Egoist Spiritual Connection

As we move through life, external events, people and our life stage transitions  can and do trigger our energy fields. The more conscious we are regarding our energy the smoother things go.

As you reference the chart above, think about how you have been impacted in the present or past by change.

Awareness of how your energy is resonating coupled with effective tools sets you on your way to developing a steadier and more graceful passage through whatever challenge you are facing.

Chnage, Core Issues and the Root Chakra
For instance, if early in life when your root chakra was developing there was a situation that contributed to a disturbance or imbalance there, then any kind of change is going to rumble powerfully through your system setting off physiological reactions that make it difficult to do what you need to do.

In the present you may be experiencing a loss of security brought about by a job situation, major loss , or other  life event. This may bring up powerful emotions not simply from the current situation but also from previous similar circumstances that make it difficult to cope or move forward.

Once an original experience is addressed and cleared from your system energy is freed up and available to deal with the present dilemma in a more functional way.

Change Always Involves the Root Chakra
The root chakra develops in the first 5 years of life. Our early experience of safety. security and belonging are registered there.  The root is our physical and psychological foundation  A shift in it affects all other chakras.

If our root chakra energies are strong and balanced we have resiliency, vibrant health and can negotiate change with ease. A strong root allows us to feel grounded within so we are not thrown into panic or debilitating fear.

Most of us have some issues regarding the root chakra just by virtue of being human! Our modern life and especially the current world situation almost certainly will bring up issues related to the root chakra for all of us.
Energy work can help to effectively clear past issues, bring us into the present and allow us to feel calmer, be less reactive and have the strength and capacity to face whatever challenges arise.

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