chakra health, focus and concentration

Chakra Health, Focus and Concentration: How Your Energy Impacts Your Ability

Chakra Health, Focus and Concentration are deeply intertwined.
Many of us find great difficulty staying focused as increasingly the world encourages multitasking. Once highly prized multitasking has been found to not only be ineffective and inefficient but also unhealthy for our brains! In order to really be effective and efficient we need to have the ability to focus ourselves in a way that helps us to reach our destination in whatever area we desire.

The capacity for all three …chakra health, focus and concentration focus begins in the root chakra. A strong healthy root chakra energy allows us to feel steady, grounded and attentive. This chakra’s energy is related to the adrenal glands. When the latter are weakened, as they often are in stress ridden cultures or times, it is common to have scattered thoughts and difficulty settling down, staying still and concentrating.

A healthy root chakra sends strong vital energy up to the sacral chakra. A healthy sacral chakra provides the capacity to set good boundaries based on healthy entitlement. This enables us to have good boundaries in order to set limits to protect our time, space and energy so we can become and  remain focused.

A healthy energy flow up to the solar plexus (third chakra) adds healthy self-esteem, courage and a firm grasp of our personal power to the mix. is A strong balanced solar plexus is free of guilt and self-doubt that can hinder our efforts toward chakra health, focus and concentration.

Difficulty bringing concepts into reality…realizing our dreams and goals…may reflect:
Weak root chakra indicated by physical energy issues/weak adrenals/lower back problems
Unbalanced sacral chakra energy making boundaries difficult to set and maintain
Inadequate third chakra energy that enables steadiness, courage, purpose and conviction

Addressing our issues in this or any area with a strictly cognitive/mental approach is like trying to push a car out of a ditch with our heads!  Centering and grounding in our legs and hips and moving our strength from there is much more effective in being able to move a stuck car. We can apply the same principle to attending our energy systems to resolve the stuck places within ourselves and in our lives. Clearing and balancing the first three chakras goes to the root of a lot of the issues we have been carrying through life that sabotage our well being and success.

Taking the time to balance and strengthen your energy supports other efforts you make to bring your dreams into reality…it is an exponential return on investment! For more on how to work with your chakras and energy system visit:
