centering and grounding

Remedies for Anxiety and Stress: Centering and Grounding to Create Safety, Security and Stillness

Centering and Grounding Help Reduce Stress and Build Resilience
Embodying our energy is important at anytime for our health and well-being. At this time in our lives it is even more critical as we deal with unprecedented amounts and types of stress.

This video contains information about centering and grounding to explain why/how it is is related to how we think and feel, but more importantly it teaches us how to move the concept of centering and grounding (being present) into an actual experience VS remaining a concept that we struggle to make real.

Once you learn how to experience this state you can do it anywhere anytime. For awhile you may simply practice it while relaxing or meditating but over time it becomes more of an embodied state. As this happens you will notice many changes for the good re: how you think, feel and experience life, stress and fear.
We do not make good choices when we are stressed and anxious. Being able to move into a space of quiet and maintain an inner stillness results in better choices and decisions in addition to promoting better physical and emotional health.