Category: Uncategorized
Forgiveness, Energy and Inner Peace
“Carrying a grudge is like carrying a red-hot rock or giving the person who hurt you a lifetime of free rent in your mind. Why would you want to do that? In some families, grievances and resentment are held for years, even decades. We forgive people who we imagine have harmed us because, for our…
Meditation Helps Develop Intuition
When we seek to develop or create anything in our lives, whether it be something in the material world or an internal state of being, the power of the mind is a powerful factor. That being the case it behooves us to learn to use that power effectively.
Feng Shui for Your Mind
Feng Shui has become a very popular tool for working with the energy of homes and offices. One of the key principles in Feng Shui is de-cluttering to open blocked energy. The same principle can apply to our minds! [caption id="attachment_13104" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
What is True Personal Power?
Personal power may not be exactly what you thought! [caption id="attachment_12798" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]