Category: Uncategorized
William Tiller on Developing Personal Energy Management
A Scientific Explanation on the importance of developing one’s personal energy system.
Awakening, Consciousness and the Authentic Self
The languages of these approaches may be different, but the intent is the same: for us to awaken from the sleep of our uninformed consciousness and embrace more and more of our Selves as we grow to align with the frequencies of purposeful creation. [caption id="attachment_14968" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Karen Kallie Energy Tip 121: Self Talk/Inner Conflict
Karen Kallie Energy Tip 121: Self Talk/Inner Conflict
Being Here Now
At this evolutionary moment, humankind is wavering between fear and love, focusing on survival and yet beginning to touch the infinite potential of being.
How Do You Live in Wholeness?
Embracing feelings and having the means to “work” with them contributes to our wholeness as well as our enlightenment.