Category: Uncategorized
A Gentle Reminder re: Peace of Mind from Peter Russell
A Gentle Reminder re: Peace of Mind from Peter Russell
7 Ways to Develop Your Intuition and Energy Awareness
What are some everyday observations can help you develop you intuition? [caption id="attachment_14315" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Intuition, Energy Awareness and Second Attention
What are the benefits of shifting how we pay attention?
Tips for Creating Balance from the Inside Out
How can you make the concept of balance work for you in daily life?
Really Going with the Flow is Good for You
Are You Really Going With the Flow? [caption id="attachment_16120" align="alignleft" width="350"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Chakras Unplugged Workshop April 2, 2016 in Wilton, NH
Living from an energetic perspective is a process and a goal…at best it is a feeling of seamless flow, a sense of being centered in your heart, deeply in touch with soul qualities of beauty, peace and wholeness.