Category: Stress
Subtle Energy is Your Source of Personal Power
Subtle Energy: Energy Excess/Deficiency? Our energy is our power. Binding it or dissipating contributes to powerlessness. To cope with stress we are inclined to increase, decrease or freeze our energy. An increase or excess of subtle energy to cope is manifested as a pattern of overcompensation for fear or weakness. We see this in people…
Abundant, Free Flowing, Coherent Energy: Antidote to Stress
Stress and the Flow of Energy When we are stressed or threatened, our flow of energy is increased to prepare us for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results in living with…
Stepping into Personal Power and Conscious Creation
Personal Power, Energy and Vibration To step into our own power, to be conscious creators of our lives, to bring forth our own best Self and birth our soul into the life we are given is a process of BECOMING. All that we desire for ourselves in life emerges from a state of BEING rather…
How Can You Encourage the Creative Mind to Come Online?
The Creative and Levels of Mind An important aspect of creative change is to honor and respect the various levels of mind. Our lower mind is that of conscious everyday activity and thought. But we have access to a much larger mind one that can help us create, change and generally be healthier, happier and…
Anger, Stress and Your Heart: Knowledge Shifts Toxic Effects
This post discusses the energetic effects of anger on the heart and Heart Chakra