Category: spirituality
Energy Alignment Fosters Peace From Within
his stunning view of the Milky Way reminds me of how each of us is a tiny spec within our ever-expanding universe. When problems seem insurmountable … [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="513"] Astronomy Picture of the Day: Mangaia’s Milky Way, by Tunç Tezel.[/caption]
Surrender the Mind—Open The Heart to Love
Griffiths was a proponent of integral thought, which attempts to harmonize scientific and spiritual world views. In a 1983 interview he stated,
A New Spirituality?
Some years ago I heard Doc Lew Childre from the Institue of HeartMath say that we were entering a time when “spirit needed to meet the sidewalk”. To me that meant
Self Acceptance Enhances Spiritual Growth
The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out our reactivity, which is our attachment, our clinging, to pain, to pleasure, to fear, to all of it. [caption id="attachment_12995" align="alignleft" width="600"] Self Acceptance[/caption]
Eavesdropping on Your Higher Mind?
Allowing yourself to notice this moment and just be with it helps you to open up to a greater experience of your higher awareness and spiritual connection. [caption id="attachment_11698" align="alignleft" width="412"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]