Category: Self Care
Going With the Flow Part 2
What I would like to suggest here are two simple easy to use methods that may be useful for you to create more flow in your bodymind and life.
What does it mean to “GO WITH THE FLOW?” Part 1
Lately I have had many occasions to think about the inner sense of “going with the flow”, how it feels and what people typically mean when they say that. My observation is that [caption id="attachment_13460" align="alignleft" width="300"] Savegre River by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Four Questions to Assess Energetic Contractions
Because the flow of energy between people is invisible to the naked eye it may be hard to understand or realize that your energy field has been compromised or assaulted. However, your feelings and intuition can be counted on to tell the story. Because the flow of energy between people is invisible to the naked…
How Can “The Creative” Reduce Stress
There are many ways to reduce and manage stress. I find it gets exhausting if I am always focused on trying to fight it, or conquer it. [caption id="attachment_13360" align="alignleft" width="220"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How Do You Build a Strong Foundation of Self Care?
There are many common occurrences that erode our energy. Fortunately being aware and integrating some simple solutions can help build strong vibrant energy and vitality. [caption id="attachment_13160" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] Paying attention to your subtle energy is profound…and highly effective self care!