Category: Self Care
Burnout: How Can You Put Boundaries on Stress?
“Why is it that between 25 and 50 percent of people report feeling overwhelmed or burned out at work?
Self Awareness as a Path to Happiness, Success in Work and Love
It has often been said that “knowledge is power,” and nowhere is that truer than when we are speaking about ourselves and the lives we create. Self-knowledge includes understanding how we work as human beings as well as how we have personally operated up until now to construct our lives.
Healthy subtle energy: A Foundation for Health, Mental and Emotional Balance
Healthy Subtle Energy Flows Like a River Our energy is always expanding or contracting, blocked or flowing. For a moment imagine a free flow of energy sweeping through you like a river that is free to flow through the landscape. Feel what it would be like to BE this river, at first meandering, then rushing…
Love as an Energy Source
It has been said that the very fabric of the universe is love€¦that the basic vibration of the cosmos is unconditional love. As part of the cosmos we have that essence within us.
Heart Chakra: Center of Love and Acceptance
The focus of the lower self or mind is on the areas of life and experience that are the province of the first three chakras. Unbalanced energies here manifest in preoccupations anchored in fear, misdirected passion, power struggles and identity problems. The heart chakra provides the possibility of opening to an inner space…
Letting Go of Beliefs and Blocks to Success, Health and Happiness
Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to change, or why you seem compelled to repeat behaviors that are not in your best interests or confused about why you feel what you do? The answers lie within our mind-body-spirit (energetic) imprinting.