Category: Self Care
8 Tips to Support New Year Intentions
A New Year stretches before us much like the new fallen snow in this picture—there are no tracks in it yet—what kind of tracks do you want to make in this fresh New Year? 1) Resolve to do something positive for yourself regularly. Think about what makes you the happiest and most joyful. What are…
Changes that Stick: Supporting Your New Year Intentions
Here we are ready to take our first steps into the New Year‚…perhaps not quite really present yet, parts of ourselves may be focused still on the effects of recent holiday activity or events of the past year / decade. What I know for sure is that some of my usual ways of initiating change…
Holiday Tips for Transforming Stress
Holiday gatherings can produce stress. However with some awareness we can minimize it and enjoy the good. Here are some ways that may help to keep your holiday less stressful. You may simply change who you spend time with over the holidays. It may be just a case of awareness and choice. That situation is…
Beliefs, Expectations and Outcomes
Beliefs and Expectations Affect OutcomesResearch has shown that our brain responds to our expectations. We can learn to harness this capacity to work in our favor. A powerful approach to begin to use our brain’s natural tendencies more consciously is to ask WHO is doing the choosing of a particular goal, or who is holding…
Turning Concepts into Reality
Excerpt From Ch 8 12 Keys for Life and Self MasteryNow available as pdf download APPLYING ALCHEMY Turning Concepts into Reality Power is in Being … not in knowing. This is an important key concept for creating. We have said before that conceptual knowledge is not enough to turn desire into reality; intellectual understanding is…