Category: Mind Body Health
Trauma, Ego and Unhealthy Patterns in Individuals and Society
EGO, PERCEPTION, AND ENERGY Trauma interrupts the healthy development of our nervous system and thus our mental, emotional and spiritual health. This interruption contributes to default patterns of coping. This tends to be unconscious so we may only be aware of our obstacles rather than the root. Becoming aware enables us to erase the effects…
What does it mean to grow in consciousness?
Over the years I have tracked his work and found it to be fascinating, thought provoking, as well as especially helpful in understanding our psycho-spiritual development and integration, in addition to consciousness, spirituality and the universe.
Grief and Self Care for the Holidays and Beyond: 7 Tips for Moving Beyond Grief
It may seem strange to include a post about grief during Christmas week, but I think in particular this year we must honor the losses of this year even as we celebrate the holiday. Having a balance where we have space for both grief and joy brings us into a more authentic experience of life.…
How are Chakras Damaged? What are the Results of Damage to the Energy System?
How Chakras BehaveThe strength, flow, and frequency of your energy system determineyour overall mental and physical health. Disruptions in flow orbalance can create pain in mind, body, or emotions and sometimesall three. When a chakra is disrupted or damaged, or a meridian isblocked, energy flow is compromised, the frequency of theassociated auric layer becomes distorted,…
Empowering Tips for Being Present NOW
We would probably all agree that we would like to be more present in our lives and feel connected, aware and not so scattered or disconnected. So what gets in the way?[caption id="attachment_14695" align="alignleft" width="220"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How can Acceptance Promote Inner Ease, Health and Well Being?
Acceptance is one of those feelings that are grossly misunderstood. Acceptance does not mean passivity or the condoning of violent or malicious acts. Acceptance merely means [caption id="attachment_12366" align="alignleft" width="245"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]