Category: energy
Energy, Feng Shui and Mother’s Day
Energy, Feng Shui and Mother’s Day One of the underlying aspects of feng shui is the energy associated with the position in the family. Since May is the month for Mother’s Day, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the area associated with “Mother.”
Meditation for Pain ?
New research is documenting that even beginners with brief instruction in meditation can reduce/eliminate pain with meditation.
Your External World is Your Mirror
“What is out there apparently depends in a rigorous mathematical sense, as well as a philosophical one upon what we decide in here”. Gary Zukav The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Has the Law of Attraction Been Rescinded?
Listen to Feng Shui Simplified and learn how the Law of Attraction functions now that we are in a new energetic atmosphere…and what you can do about it!
Stress and Disruptions of Energy
Most people have an awareness of the fight/flight response that occurs under stress. Normally this is spoken of in biochemical or emotional terms. If we go deeper into our nature there is a way of understanding this dynamic energetically. The reason we may want to understand the phenomena in these terms is that it can…