Category: energy
Science, Emotion and Heart
This quick video clearly explains the link between heart and emotions….and why you should care!
Love as an Energy Source
It has been said that the very fabric of the universe is love€¦that the basic vibration of the cosmos is unconditional love. As part of the cosmos we have that essence within us.
Heart Chakra: Center of Love and Acceptance
The focus of the lower self or mind is on the areas of life and experience that are the province of the first three chakras. Unbalanced energies here manifest in preoccupations anchored in fear, misdirected passion, power struggles and identity problems. The heart chakra provides the possibility of opening to an inner space…
How Can Heart Intelligence Benefit Your Health and Well-being?
Activating genuine heart-based feelings of care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion creates coherent heart rhythms, and stimulates healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical, and energetic flow to all organs.
Energy Healing, Well Being, Wisdom and Personal Power
A case study illustrating the effects of an energetic approach to physical and emoitonal issues, accessing intuition and engaging personal power.
Creativity: Energy Solutions for Facing Life Challenges
Now more than ever we need reminders and the means to be able to live from a centered place within! The chaos of the world challenges all to find creative solutions for life and living in a whole new environment. The tendency toward fear of our conscious/normal waking mind does not allow for creativity, resiliency…