Category: energy

  • Do You Sense Subtle Energy?

    Do You Sense Subtle Energy?

    Excerpted from Chakras and Feng Shui: Balancing Inner and Outer Energy: We are continually in touch with our world and others through our energy field For example: Have you ever sensed someone’s presence without having seen or heard them? Have you either been drained or filled with energy after spending time with someone? Have you…

  • Boosting Creativity

    Boosting Creativity

    When we had our radio show we interviewed Haya Leah Molnar, author of Under a Red Sky. In her book she speaks about her early childhood experiences in a communist country, and about how early life experience helps to shape one’s connection to innate creative abilities. As Ms. Molnar’s story unfolds it is clear that…

  • Personal Energy System: A Roadmap of Consciousness

    Personal Energy System: A Roadmap of Consciousness

    Do Ever Experience A sense of overwhelm A feeling of being lost, lack of focus or direction Keep coming up against the same old problems and challenges Feel stuck or trapped in patterns and feel unable to change them Experience mental, emotional or physical signs of stress Feel disconnected from your life or relationships Find…

  • Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras

    Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras

    INTRODUCTION You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck                                 ~ Jellaludin Rumi The world is meant to be free in You are not beyond love Give up all else other than the place of true belonging Anyone or anything that does not  bring you alive…

  • Chakras: Our Internal Filing System For Beliefs

    Chakras: Our Internal Filing System For Beliefs

    Chakras represent various levels of development. The emotional issues related to that stage of development register energetically in chakras. Identifying our beliefs in regard to each of the chakras we can reestablish a clear strong flow of energy and enhance healing and growth. Core Belief Affirmations for Each of the ChakrasRoot # 1.I fully inhabit…

  • What Do Energy Fields Reveal About Your Soul?

    What Do Energy Fields Reveal About Your Soul?

    Energy fields contain information about our basic natures as well as life experiences. We each have our own energetic imprint. In some ways this could be thought of as a “soul-print”.Our energy fields show both our strengths and our weaknesses. It seems that our energy is designed both as the means to best express ourselves…