Category: Chakras
Turning Concepts into Reality
From Introduction to Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras A map is a great beginning but we also need effective means to travel the territory laid out by the map. All beautiful thoughts, goals, dreams and desires simply hang in the air until we have the means to bring them to…
Root Chakra Energy and Reaction to Current Events
Root Chakra Energy Gets Triggered in Times of Change As the turmoil in the world continues many are finding the daily stress levels to be increasingly difficult to manage. It can be helpful to not only have good self-care methods in place, but to also be aware of what unresolved personal issues are being triggered.…
Anger, Stress and Your Heart: Knowledge Shifts Toxic Effects
This post discusses the energetic effects of anger on the heart and Heart Chakra
Intention: moving beyond ego into higher consciousness and creativity
To be able to truly move beyond the ego, the lower mind with its average thinking process, into the realm of pure awareness or higher consciousness, requires detachment from the compelling vibrations of lower thought and feeling forms. Working with your energy centers: clearing, balancing and uplifting your energetic frequency allows you to both move…
3 Types of Chakra Blockages and Methods for Release
Methods to Release Energy Blockages [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] Image via Wikipedia[/caption]
Do You Have Energy Blockages and Excess or Deficiency of Energy?
In addition, we can have an abundance of one type of energy but be deficient in another. My experience with clients is that often a person will believe that they are a “high energy” person when in fact what is going on is that they are strongly identified with that part of themselves and not…