Category: Caregiver Stress
Are You a Care Giver or an Enabler?
Care Giver Stress There are many sources of stress for the care giver. One that can be particularly confusing is that of boundaries in caring. When personal relationships and illness are involved the issue of boundaries can be very confusing even if you are well aware of what boundaries are and even good at them…
6 Tips to Reduce Resistance to Healing and Change
Positive feedback is often not enough to maintain new behavior Old habits are hard to break and resistance to change is natural Approaches that use principles of neuroplasticity* turbo charge your conscious efforts [caption id="attachment_13373" align="alignleft" width="220"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Managing Energy Disruptions
Our energy is our power. Dissipating it or binding it in negativity renders us powerless.
Minding Your Heart to Release Stress and Find Peace
Our hearts whether we are aware of it or not are actually in the front lines of our lives. It is through our hearts that we connect to the world, experience others, and have relationships for good or ill with people, places and things. Minding the Heart
Neuro-plasticity and 6 Tips to Reduce Resistance to Healing and Change
Neuro-plasticity: Understanding the principle of neuro-plasticity can help us to implement methods that will be more successful and effective in regard to change and healing. The simplest definition of neuro-plasticity is it is the ability of the brain and nervous system to change itself. Our intention and focus determines which circuits will light up and…
EFT Reduces Stress Hormones and Slows Aging!
There is exciting research that demonstrates the science behind what those of us who use EFT have been observing/experiencing for quite some time! From EFT Universe EFT Reduces Your Stress Hormones: A milestone study has found that EFT significantly reduces levels of your main stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is important because it regulates a cascade…