Category: Caregiver Stress
Subtle Energy is Your Source of Personal Power
Subtle Energy: Energy Excess/Deficiency? Our energy is our power. Binding it or dissipating contributes to powerlessness. To cope with stress we are inclined to increase, decrease or freeze our energy. An increase or excess of subtle energy to cope is manifested as a pattern of overcompensation for fear or weakness. We see this in people…
Energy Contractions: How Can You Effectively Release Pain and Resistance?
Energy contraction is our normal reaction to stress, distasteful or difficult experiences and physical and emotional pain. This is meant to be protective, however it tends to intensify our discomfort and pain. Energy contraction can be a default pattern that we learned early in life when we had few skills to protect ourselves. Unfortunately it can…
Stress Release for Increased Energy, Inner Peace and Deeper Sleep
Stress release, letting go of fear and expanding consciousness are all facilitated through conscious energy management. Two Practices for Stress Release Centering and grounding energy as a key way to reduce anxiety and stress as well as a means of maintaining your energy supply. Those practices are two important ways to maintain and manage your…
Personal Power…a Center for All Experience: Grief, Loss, Living and Loving
The term personal power means different things to different people. Here is a list that touches deeply into the notion of personal power beyond ordinary thought.
Introduction : Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
From the Introduction to our recording Letting Go: the Heart of Healing Before we begin I’d like to share some thoughts with you. Throughout my professional life first as a nurse and then as a psychotherapist my major interest and motivation has been to offer solutions that alleviate pain and discomfort. Early on in my career…
How Does Sensing Subtle Energy Increase Health and Happiness?
Sensing Subtle Energy is Natural We all sense subtle energy, although we may not always realize it. Some people are gifted with this ability from birth, but the truth is we all possess this capacity and can develop it with increased awareness and a bit of practice. The majority of us do not see subtle…