Category: Announcements
Getting Clear, on Purpose and in Time
Foster Gambeland his wife Kimberly have produced a great video about our point in time and how to be clear about your role/purpose. They also created a movie, Thrive, that you can view at the bottom of this post. It is time well spent to watch!
Goals, Higher Consciousness and Joy
The human energy system comprising, among other things, the seven chakras, is a wonderful map that can help us discover the barriers to our internal freedom. However, we do not live in a vacuum. Our outer world is often a mirror of what is occurring within our psyches. The Feng Shui Bagua, therefore, offers us…
Energy, Music and Laughter
[singlepic id=32 w=320 h=240 float=left] We have spoken of music and laughter as being great ways to expand and uplift your energy before. Now here’s a chance for those of you who are in the New England area to see our very own Tony Pace put that combination together for a very good cause, the…
What if 2012 were a planetary opportunity that we can co-create?
I would like to invite you to join me for a very special free teleseminar tonight with evolutionary leader Barbara Marx Hubbard. In Birth 2012: Co-Creating a Planetary Shift, Barbara will offer a clarion call for us all to co-create a planetary Birth Day event on Dec. 22nd, 2012, that can definitively mark the turning…