How Can the Brow Chakra Help You Through Transition and Change?

brow chakraBrow Chakra (Third Eye:: Seat of intuition, Insight and Inspiration

The Brow Chakra can be of great assistance during times of transition and change since it is the seat of judgment, intelligence, sense of reality, rationality and wisdom. The brow harmonizes these forces, and as such has a lot to do with personality and the self one brings to the world.

Meditation, Intuition; Inspiration; Insight; Clairvoyance; Telepathy; Conscious creation via will & imagination; healing through mental projection are all in the province of the sixth chakra.

However if the brow chakra is out of balance we may not have access to all these abilities to bring to the process of change.

Signs of Imbalance in the Brow Chakra
Headaches; Poor visual perception; Nightmares; Hallucinations; dizziness; confusion; poor memory; insomnia; acute sinusitis

Deficient Energy in this chakra leads to a lack of discipline and inner vision, poor memory, fear of success and an inability to understand subtle signals. The result of being unable to sense subtle signs is demonstrated through an unrealistic appraisal of situations and setting standards or expectations too high or too low.

Other signs of a malfunctioning brow center are poor intuition, excessive focus on rational thought, difficulty visualizing or imagining and poor dream recall.

With Excessive Energy in the sixth chakra there may be difficulty tuning into or trusting intuition. In addition there may be rigidity, self-righteousness, and authoritarianism, arrogance, being overly intellectual or excessively rational.

An easy way to remember these types of imbalances is to think in terms of a heavy reliance on the head and no heart. This reliance on the intellect without the balance of heart energy is generally a consequence of drawing too much energy upward from the lower chakras which damages the third eye.

The third eye/brow chakra needs the balance, support and stability of the lower chakra energies. Without such support there can be obsessive fantasies, delusions, hallucinations, with dreams, images or memory split off from one’s conscious experience. This is an energetic prescription for spiritual bypassing.

A balanced brow chakra can be of great value during times of change. Intuition can help us make wise choices. The capacity to visualize helps us to move toward goals with strength and focus. Realistic expectations and clarity are always useful!

Which signs of imbalance affect you?



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