Infinite Energy: Antidote to Stress


FL-142-Flower-Cluster-IMG_5169Being in touch with your energy system, noticing where and how you are closing off and learning to release difficult feelings can help restore your flow of vitality so you can feel good more often than you feel bad.


Have you ever noticed that when you are in a funk and have no energy, feel down, depressed, exhausted that something great can happen and all of a sudden you are filled with energy and ready to go when just a moment before you were barely able to move? We’ve all had those times but perhaps have not thought about exactly what was going on that caused the shift.

We experience our lives through our energy systems. When things feel good we tend to allow our energy to flow, to be connected to the infinite energy available to us…we think and feel in positive ways and experience vitality. When something negative or unpleasant occurs we tend to shut down…in our minds and our hearts… perhaps throughout our whole being. We close ourselves off from the supply of energy around us as well as closing the flow within us. We do not realize it, but this also traps not only our energy but also the memory and pain of the event. This sets up a situation where the pain can be triggered again through a similar event in the future. In addition, since we do not want to feel the pain we use considerable energy to keep it at bay inside us which further depletes the flow of our vitality and along with it our capacity to feel good. The result is that we tend to limp along with compromised energy supplies.

We instinctual close off ourselves out of a need to protect. This is natural. However, if we do not then open up again and release what is trapped inside then we compromise our energy, vitality and ultimately our health and well being.

Being in touch with your energy system, noticing where and how you are closing off and learning to release difficult feelings can help restore your flow of vitality so you can feel good more often than you feel bad. It takes self awareness and practice as well as effective methods to learn how to manage your energy. It is well worth the effort given the return of vitality and well being to you and your life.

All of our programs help you from a slightly different vantage point to be aware of your energy, effectively release discomfort, old wounds and pain and “install” healthier patterns. Our Balancing Your Chakras program is particularly helpful if you like to work with color, sound and frequency. This program is a relaxing, pleasant journey through your energy system that helps to release old tired stuck energies and strengthen your chakras so you can maintain a healthier flow and vitality.

A simple step toward beginning to reverse the habit of shutting down your “inner guidance system” is to notice when you feel tightness or constriction in your body in response to events or interchanges. Once you notice, pause, take several deep breaths and feel yourself opening the places where you feel shut down. This small step can begin you on the journey of reclaiming your energy and vitality so you have more of it to bring to life!

To read more about our programs that help with reversing negative patterns and creating healthy new ones, click here:



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