
On Being: Energy and Authenticity

Being describes a state beyond thought and reactive feeling. There are many ways to develop this state. working with consciousnesses and energy helps to facilitate our entry into being more easily than many other methods.
“In this way, without any intent to shape others, we simply have to be authentic, and a sense of mana, of spiritual light and warmth will emanate from our very souls, causing others to grow — not towards us, but towards the light that moves through us.” Mark Nepo, The Energy of Being Real. .

When we are authentically ourselves we enter a flow and strong vibrant energy courses through us providing the possibility of just being. Our culture has taught us so many things about roles, false faces, what we should feel and want that we have lost touch with this more natural and authentic way of being.

“This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.” Hafiz

Being who you are, playing your soul tone is the healthiest, happiest, least stressful way to be, to live!

When we shed the shoulds, coulds, oughts and mights and simply let ourselves be, there is an energy, an aliveness, a rightness about it that can lead us to all that we typically look outward for.

Have you had a moment where you felt that flow? How can you bring more of it into your life?

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