throat chakra

5 Ways to Balance the Throat Chakra

Throat chakra Blockage or Imbalance
When our Throat Chakra energy is impaired we may not honestly articulate our truth, or do so in a half hearted way. There may also be a tendency to put up a brave front and not speak about inner hurt, pain or turmoil. Obviously this stymies communication, but it also weakens our capacity to stand for ourselves and our ideals in order that dreams may be realized.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the tendency to talk too much thereby draining vital energy. Negative habits such as gossiping are a sign of this. Actually obsessive behavior of any kind can be a sign of the inability to assimilate energy and communicate in healthy ways.

An open and balanced throat chakra allows for free expression of yourself and your beliefs; your creativity flows; your emotions are communicated freely without fear of others’ opinions.

Benefits of Balanced Throat Chakra Energy
Working with the throat chakra can help to transcend fear and transmute the lower emotions to unconditional joy. This energy center also has a lot to do with the ability to hold an awareness of both the subtle & the material worlds.

Stimulating the throat chakra can help increase the richness and tone of your voice. It can endow you with skill in language, the ability to write, as well as with the capacity to understand messages in dreams and to be an effective teacher. Jupiter is the planet that rules this chakra and in India Jupiter represents the Spiritual Teacher. Meditating on this chakra can bring deep insight into the past, present and future along with the capacity to communicate that wisdom.

Assessing Your Throat Chakra Energy
Do you think what you have to say is important? (too little=deficient energy, too much = excess energy)
What is your experience re: sense of timing? (are you in the right place at the right time? feel out of sync?)
How’s your sense of rhythm? (think about music, walking, dancing, moving in general)
Have you been chastised or put down for your expression of ideas, feelings or actions?
Do you carry tension in your jaw, neck or shoulders?
Are frequent sore throats or hoarseness an issue?
Do you feel no one listens to or loves you?

Techniques for Balance
1. Be aware of when you want to say “No” instead of reflexively saying “Yes”

2. Discover your inner truth ; practice speaking it

3. Note talking too much or too little- balancing Throat Chakra will shift this

4. Use sound, color and tone to balance this chakra (Balancing Your hakras guides you through this approach. Click here for a sample: )

5. Use emotion based methods to bring balance to a chakra. Guided Chakra Meditations uses this approach allowing you to move through the whole chakra system or focus on a specific chakra in a 10 minute meditation.