Aura Clearing and Balancing Workshop Sat. 9-14-13

Aura Clearing & Balancing for Health, Wealth & Happiness

Saturday Sept. 14, 1-5pm

Forever Yoga 51 Main St., Wilton, NH

862- 203-8151

Cost: $65 in advance, $75 at the door

There is a deep sense of aliveness in each of us that is beyond the everyday thinking mind. This energy has consciousness and can be brought “up tone” to release what is negatively impacting you so you may positively create more of what you DO want in your life.

You will learn techniques to:

Create stability and transcend fear

Enter into and maintain the state called “flow”

Enhance personal power, esteem, courage and joy

Improve inner vision, intuition, focus and concentration

Develop your authentic voice and the capacity to express it

Move beyond belief to genuine spiritual connection and guidance

Discover and connect with source of loving kindness, generosity and self-love

Consciously clearing, balancing and uplifting your aura & energy helps you to:

v Detach from the vibrations of lower thought and feeling

v Move beyond the average thinking mind

v Develop a higher consciousness

v Create greater prosperity

WARNING: side effects include enhanced inner peace, health and serenity!

Each participant will receive an individualized Energy Assessment Questionnaire and work book to personalize the workshop material.

Presenter: Karen Kallie is a Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology. Karen is certified in Mind-Body Medicine, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Interactive Guided Imagery, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique and Quantum Psychology. More than 30 years of experience have enabled her to integrate the principles of Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology into nursing, counseling and stress management. Karen maintains a private practice in Amherst, NH that is focused on helping people to improve their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health as well as to achieve their desired goals. Visit her online at and

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