anxiety and fear

New Understanding and An Antidote to Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety and Fear: Root Chakra Offers New Understanding and An Antidote

We all experience  anxiety and fear  … real and imagined. They are part of our human journey and with the appropriate approach can help us grow and create less stressful lives.

There was a time when I believed that knowledge alone could quell the fires of fear and quiet the anxieties that agitate the mind, breed turbulent emotions and disturb sleep. I found that not to be the case! Information can be a great first step, but by itself knowledge and the everyday mind are not equipped for the task of quieting the fears and anxieties that shake our foundations on our walk through life.

The discovery that it is necessary to have methods to transform knowledge into inner knowing, a felt experience that mends our default patterns, the means to erase trauma from our nervous systems was a doorway to freedom for me.
The most effective approaches I found were those that included personal energy work and the map of consciousness that the chakra system provides. Once I began to work with my energy system, I found life and living to become much more manageable… and even better—enjoyable and happy! In my opinion, understanding and knowing how to address our personal energy system offers both a means to remove what agitates and troubles us, as well as the means to build in new self sustaining, nourishing and life enhancing energies.

Any journey toward healing or balancing necessarily begins with the root chakra as it is the foundation of our physical and psychological being. It is also the primary mover and shaker concerning anxiety and fear! Strong root chakra energies allow you to face life without being overtaken by unnecessary anxiety and to respond from a grounded strength to difficult, stress filled situations.

ROOT CHAKRA: Your Secret Ally for Anxiety and Fear
The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the first to develop after birth. This energy center is the foundation of your energy system, the seat of your physical vitality (Kundalini), and a cornerstone of psychological and spiritual well being.

Physically the root correlates with the adrenal glands and all bony structures. It provides support and a framework for both the physical and psychological body. We learn to crawl, walk and stand as the root chakra expands and comes online. In addition, first chakra energy also assists us with putting down roots in the world and standing on our own two feet.

Trauma, family stress and a lack of appropriate nurturing during the first few years of life can unbalance root chakra energies. Early disruption of this energy is recorded within the system and has the result of amplifying reactions to later losses or upsets such as loss of a job, living situation or person in your life. Who among us in the first five years of life did NOT have some circumstance that left its mark on our ability to feel totally safe and secure within the world? My experience is that it is part of the human condition and simply needs to be addressed and not denied or battled with ceaselessly

My Mother, My Self
The positive archetype for the root chakra is the Earth Mother. A person with strong, positive root energy honors and cares for the body as a sacred vessel that carries them in the material world. Physical needs are well cared for which results in healthy vitality as well as abundant energy to flow upward to nurture the higher chakras. The higher chakras help to expand your inner world, and open up greater creative manifestation and expanded spiritual experience.

Physically the root chakra governs the immune, skeletal and lower digestive systems. When root energies are out of balance the physical issues that present are: poor balance, sciatica, chronic fatigue, bowel disorders knee, and leg or foot problems.

Emotionally a lack of first chakra energy manifests as being too rigid and not being open to options for change. Change can also be difficult if you are overly grounded —-this is evidenced through being overly controlling, or lacking in imagination or initiative.

Fear does not always show up as an outright anxiety disorder or phobia. It can also appear as shyness, dread or fear of criticism. Many people feel fear as an absence of security or as difficulty experiencing inner stability, safety and comfort.

If root energy is steady and balanced you can transcend fear—thoughts of loss do not disturb your inner peace, sap your strength or drain your vitality.

Strong balanced Root Chakra energy enables you to:
Be open to opportunities that can emerge from the unknown
Experience an inner source of comfort, soothing and ease
Tolerate ambiguity, paradox and not knowing
Move through change with more fluidity
Feel inner security, stability and safety
Care for self in healthy ways

For Root Chakra Balancing Meditations:

Chakra Guided Meditations:

Balancing Your Chakras:

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