anger and fear

Anger and Fear: Taking Charge of Your Health and Well Being

Anger and fear are prevalent in our world now.
Even if the feelings are justified it is important to have skills to release them to prevent health issues.

Anger and Fear: Signs of the times
It is an understatement to say that our world is a challenging place to live right now. With the complex issues facing us, it will apparently be so for some time to come. People everywhere are being triggered and having intense emotional reactions to situations and events. Information overload has become a very real problem. Our information technology has ushered in a new age where we can develop PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)while sitting in our own homes!
Unresolved Anger and Fear Signal Shadow Material
Many of us feel on a personal growth path for some time can be surprised when intense emotions like anger and fear arise. We may have been “working on ourselves” for so long that it can be a bit of a shock to be revisiting such intensity. This may because we have not truly cleared the energy from our system (intellectual approaches will have this result), or perhaps there’s a new facet of the issues of anger and fear that was not dealt with, or we may be absorbing anger and fear from those around us. I have found all of these to be issues requiring inner courage and self honesty that pays off in freedom from low grade chronic discomfort and enhanced well being.

Spiritual teaching speaks of these times as shining the light on all the unresolved issues we have had as individuals as well as a society. We are being challenged to look into our shadows to  clear old patterns, release fears and open to higher levels of human and spiritual capacities so we may each contribute the best of ourselves to the whole.

We are at a time when we truly need to blend our spiritual and human selves in order to be able to flourish and create sustainable futures. In order to do so we must have the skills necessary to manage our inner worlds.

Anger and Fear Affect All Aspects of Our Being
“Physiologically, it simply doesn’t matter whether your anger is justified or not. The body doesn’t make moral judgements about feelings; it just responds.”  Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution

All of our deeply felt emotions trigger a physiological response. This is a natural process but one which can have negative ramifications if we are not aware and have the skills to mange our feelings. Becoming more conscious and masterful of our emotional landscape allows us to: reclaim our energy, release feelings of being victimized by outer triggers and returns us literally to our power. That power can be better put to use to create and enjoy life and living!

Become a  MES! (Master of your Emotional Self)  The ability to manage emotions skillfully is a lifelong task but it delivers many rewards…  (1) your health will improve, (2) your relationships will improve, (3) your energy will improve, (4) your creativity will improve, (5) your capacity for expanding spiritually will improve and(6) you will begin to feel you are flourishing in your life rather than feeling blocked or stagnating!

Subtle Energy is the Foundation of Emotion, Thought and Physical Being
When your energy improves, your basic “energy frequency and tone” does as well, an important factor in all aspects of health, life, and conscious creation.  You will have more energy available to you and it will be easier to bring it into alignment with those things you want to bring into your life. The energy that was tied up in old programming now can be used to take appropriate action toward your dreams.

Being skillful managing our emotions includes identifying, collapsing and releasing old patterns, reactions and memories. It also is about engaging in the practice of learning how to let feeling flow through you instead of holding on–and feeling RELEASE. It’s all a process. Be kind, patient and gentle with yourself. Choose one aspect of becoming a MES and practice it for a time before you move on to another skill.

Our recording Relaxation 101 is designed to help dump the accumulated effects of the fight flight syndrome that comes with negative emotions and stress. Learning to release physical tension also improves our ability to be more aware of stress when it begins rather than having it build to a level where it causes problems.
For learning inner release of difficult emotions Letting Go: The Heart of Healing guides you through three techniques  that teach the body and mind how to really release the stress of difficult emotions like anger and fear.