My friend,” guide on the journey”, mentor and colleague, Tracey Alysson has just had her book, Living and Dying in the Arms of Love published! The narrative recounts her journey to Tibet and doing Khora (circumambulating) with prostrations, around Mt. Kailash (one of the sacred mountains in Tibet).
The account of her journey is fascinating, but even more profound is the recounting of her process of deepening into the human heart. I have known Tracey for 30 years. She is a brilliant clinician, but more than that she has always been one of those people who naturally exudes a depth of loving kindness, compassion and wisdom not commonly met in this world. Her courage, honesty and profound commitment to her calling to Tibet …to deepening into her heart serve as a profound teaching for us all. This is not spirituality lite…this is all the way in, living, breathing, courage mixed with a deep willingness to allow transformation through the strength and courage to be present to LIFE. Above all this is a book about authenticity and spiritually embodying our human form.
Here is what Barbara Meyers, MSW has to say about this book:
” In reading her journal of the path around Mt. Kailash and her introspection following in the Epilogue and Lessons and Changes, I began to grasp what it truly means to live and die in the arms of love-naked love- devoid of all the delusions we wrap ourselves in everyday. Regardless of one’s spiritual intentions or path, this story offers the reader a mirror of the hard work of learning to receive oneself in love so we may hold others, all the planet in love. It is necessary work for this time on the planet. After all, “All there is is love…and the love is endless.” ”
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