
Acceptance and Letting Go from the Inside Out

Acceptance of ourselves and others, acceptance of situations that we cannot change and letting go of regrets and difficult emotions are challenges for all of us. Here are some suggestions to help you release regrets and judgements from your bodymind and move into more open flowing states beginning with surrender and acceptance.

Describe a situation you regret in as much detail as you can.

1. What is it that you regret?

2. What is missing for you?

3. Now, try looking at this situation from a different perspective.
Can you identify any gifts through this experience or situation?
Are there any hidden blessings?

Experiment with suspending judgment for a day.

1. Notice what comes up for you.

2. What did you judge today?

3. How do you feel about it?

4. What does this tell you about yourself?

5. What is missing for you?

6. Is there another way to view this situation?

7. What qualities do you want to strengthen or build?

8. What skills or techniques can you practice to help you get

Additional help with grounding, developing an inner network for real release, and for creating an open space for release and working with these concepts–

For help with grounding and creating open inner space: Relaxation 101

Attuning Energy Field to a more coherent flow: Energy Aerobics

And a complete program to help you release and let go: Letting Go: the Heart of Healing
Practice going inside, grounding your energy and developing an internal network for surrender, acceptance, letting go and releasing by practicing the feeling of those concepts. You can work this into a daily meditation rather than making it a whole new task to accomplish. Things in the internal world can be accomplished with ease where there is no time and no space, there is magic!



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