solar plexus

How can Acceptance Promote Inner Ease, Health and Well Being?

Acceptance is a Process not an Event
Working with centering, grounding and meditation/relaxation brings us into a quieter space where we can view our thoughts and feelings from a different perspective. Being able to observe these energies as they present themselves without becoming enmeshed with them allows space for emotional intelligence, spiritual expansion and personal freedom.

Acceptance is flexing an important spiritual muscle.
Acceptance is one of those feelings that are grossly misunderstood. Acceptance does not mean passivity or the condoning of violent or malicious acts. Acceptance merely means to acknowledge a given situation ‘as is’. Instead of using precious energy to resist or fight in vain, with acceptance of reality you are open to many more possible and potent outcomes.
It is truly amazing to watch what happens when you truly embrace a deep inner experience of acceptance… perhaps the most amazing thing is that so many problems simply fall away!

Acceptance moves you to neutral where you are apt to see more clearly where the best efforts are to be made in a given situation. Inner calmness  opens you to wider perception and it helps you to move from a position of blaming to one of resolving problems.

You may find it easier to begin developing acceptance with areas less volatile than personal issues. Try the weather!  Notice when you have a reaction to the weather not cooperating with what you hoped for or needed on a particular day.

How do you usually react to situations not to your liking?
Do you go along with it, accept it and adjust to it?
Do you let it consume your energy, leaving you frustrated, tired and depleted?
Do you take an empowered View, E.G., how will I respond to this situation or circumstance?

Look for these “energy leakages” in your daily life. They are perfect opportunities to practice building new skills such as acceptance.