A Secret Source of Stress and Fear

There are so many sources of stress and fear that we face in our daily lives but there is one often overlooked place where triggers for stressful reactions live…our shadow self…all that we have disowned, split off, shoved down deep in the recesses of some internal basement. This unconscious or semi conscious stuff is not inaccessible to us. In some ways we are VERY familiar with it as it tends to live as a low level hum in our emotional bodies. But, because it is generally unpleasant to face and it takes time, patience and courage to confront, most of us choose at least for some time to use our psychic energy to repress it. Then one day it is TIME…time to shine the light in the shadows and come to a place of greater peace within.

My experience has been that the shadow material is really all about things that we need….things that are not wrong. There may be a lot wrong with the source of the issues or even how they have been played out during their repression, but there basic motivation is about some very right need to be loved, cared for etc.

In the poem read in this recording Leah Pearlman names the faces of our shadows and asks the most important question of all regarding those faces. Does her poem touch any deep places in you?


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